Saturday, 23 June 2012

Well after an extended break from work I am very pleased to be back and in good health again. My apologies for letting my blog slip but the time flew by while I was recuperating.

It is now summer apparently, not that you would know if you happen to be outside, it is no wonder we Brits are so bothered by the weather.
Swanley Bridge Marina's BBQ is next week and we are all hoping that we will not need umbrella's. If you haven't yet bought tickets  they are available from reception priced £2 per person.There will be live music and lots of food, (drinks are on a BYO basis) so please join us and celebrate, mingle and generally make merry.

We welcomed our new staff member Mandy Geall in May. Mandy works alternate weekends and provides cover on week days when necessary.

It is still all systems go for Zoe in the brokerage office with a really good turnover of boats and some very pleased vendors and purchasers.

Danny is also equally busy with the engineering side and has completed several major jobs recently including a cabin modification.

On the more mundane issues of marina life we are trying to keep our costs down in order to remain as competitively priced as we are, so if you have an e-mail address and are happy to receive our newsletters electronically please let the office have your address as soon as possible.



Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Hello again,

We were visited at the weekend by a very nice PCSO from Nantwich Police Station as there has been a spate of thefts from Narrow boats in our area.

Obviously we are concerned that you are all made aware the situation and that Cheshire Constabulary will be attending various marinas in the area to advise on security of your vessel;


Cholmondley (Post office)               10.00 - 10.45a.m

Bulkeley        (Mill Grove)               11.15 - 11.45a.m

SWANLEY BRIDGE MARINA    12.15 -   2.15p.m


Stapeley      (Co-op car park)          09.30 - 10.15a.m

Wybunbury  (The Swan pub)           10.45 - 11.30a.m

Over Water Marina                         12.00 -  2.00a.m

Please take full advantage of their help and hopefully we will stop the criminals in their tracks.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

I must apologize for leaving my blog such a long time.
I have just had my first taste of a busy marina. I must admit it was great fun, so I'm really looking forward to the summer season. I thought maybe I was starting to find my feet then dropped my pump out key into the canal very early one morning last week. Danny came to the rescue with a magnet. I was so embarrassed!

Thank you to all the moorers who supported the trip to the Jazz festival I have had some very positive feedback, so hopefully we will try and promote a few more events.
I am still keen to hear from anyone who may have an event they would like to attend.

Well, to further introductions, Catherine, Michael and Carol are proving to be very illusive every time a camera is produced, which judging by the comments we've received about the pictures of Zoe and I, is probably in their best interest.   I have managed to find a photograph of Michael and Carol at the Marina's opening party in 2006.

All I have to do now is sneak into the office and get a picture of Catherine.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Well it's almost Easter and where has the start of 2012 gone?
Things are hotting up all over the Marina; Tony our gardener has started tidying everywhere and we are looking tip-top, Moorers are contemplating the cruising season, Zoe is busy busy in our Brokerage, Visiting moorers are making their reservations and I'm just about keeping up with the increase in  tempo !
I think I've about got the measure of the day to day office now. However narrow-boats are so very varied. There are so many things I have to learn, Danny keeps trying to educate me in the smaller more simple engineering processes, which is brilliant, but sometimes I do get rather lost.
Our engineering bookings have tripled in the last few weeks, which is testament to his prowess as an engineer. We can definitely offer a first rate service without any concerns whatsoever.

I thought it might be an idea for you to be able to put a name to a face, so this is me - I work Monday to Wednesday and every other weekend.

and this is Zoe - Our full-time Sales manager.

Catherine and Carol also staff the office - Catherine works Thursday and Friday and Carol, our boss works every other weekend.
We are hoping to add a new face to our team soon, as we have had several applications for our vacancy to staff the office alternate weekends.  Watch this space....

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Sophie's Social calendar

Well, the last two weeks have flown by and finally we appear to be in Spring as the temperature has risen and the daffs are showing themselves.
I have been pretty busy with a bit of social fun for our moorers. We thought that as Nantwich Jazz festival, which is Easter weekend - 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th April, is on our doorstep it might be an idea to organise some transport and secure the sale of wristbands.
I am delighted to announce that with a little help from the lovely folk at The Crown Hotel and Cresent Garage (both local companies) we have managed both. Transport is now available for the Friday 6th and Saturday 7th April
For the uninitiated, the festival is now in it's 16th year and attracts some varied and talented artists from all over the country. There are ticket only gigs, as well as live music in most of the pubs and in the town square, it really is quite something and pulls crowds every year without fail. For more info take a look at their website -

The taxi will run from the Marina at 7pm into Nantwich town centre and return at 12 midnight at a cost of £4.00 per person. If you would like to book a seat, please contact the office. The offer is only open to moorers and their guests

Wristbands will be on sale from Thursday 5th April at £6 each - once you have a wristband you can enter any/all the pubs (dependant only on your stamina!!!) where there will be live music.

I would be really keen to hear from anyone who has any ideas on other events would make a good diary date, I wondered about  the RHS Flower show or even Crick Boat Show. Please let me know what you think....

Monday, 13 February 2012

Hello again,

I have been reminded that an introduction would have been a good idea - I'm Sophie!

Well formalities over with, since I last posted it seemed that winter had finally got us in his icy grip. Here at Swanley both the marina and the staff were frozen solid for a good week !!

I had not realized what an inconvenience it would be, obviously there were no movements possible, that of course meant all our engineering had to be postponed and people due to leave and arrive couldn't do either. I did see a few boats moving on the canal, although I thought ice was a concern as it removes your blacking?

Thankfully the ice is melting and we are working hard to catch up with jobs that were abandoned, along with the inevitable water pipe bursts. You could say it's all go again. 

The break however did give me chance to check out our potential engineering jobs, we still have a few spaces in the DIY sheds, and a degree of availability with our engineer Danny.
So if you need a high quality engineer let me know !!

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

I am the newest recruit to Swanley Bridge Marina. I have replaced Liz - quite a role to undertake !
I started in September 2011 as a complete greenhorn to narrow boating. What a learning curve it has been,
there's more to it than I thought.

As you can see from the pictures I am lucky to work in such a scenic and peaceful location, first thing in the morning  when there's mist on the marina and the sun is out it is incredibly beautiful.
I thought it would be an idea to record my experiences for future prosperity while hopefully interesting a few seasoned boater's to maybe share their experiences with me.

It's all very complicated to a land lubber.
Blacking being the first hurdle I had to cross, so many different types, so many different application procedures. Judging by our books blacking season is upon us, in preparation for summer cruising (it was explained to me)  I think I may have finally grasped the reason for it being there at least ha-ha. This is the point where hopefully anyone out there can give me their opinion;
Is it worth sandblasting and 2pk Epoxy, or is Intertuf as good ??