Tuesday, 31 January 2012

I am the newest recruit to Swanley Bridge Marina. I have replaced Liz - quite a role to undertake !
I started in September 2011 as a complete greenhorn to narrow boating. What a learning curve it has been,
there's more to it than I thought.

As you can see from the pictures I am lucky to work in such a scenic and peaceful location, first thing in the morning  when there's mist on the marina and the sun is out it is incredibly beautiful.
I thought it would be an idea to record my experiences for future prosperity while hopefully interesting a few seasoned boater's to maybe share their experiences with me.

It's all very complicated to a land lubber.
Blacking being the first hurdle I had to cross, so many different types, so many different application procedures. Judging by our books blacking season is upon us, in preparation for summer cruising (it was explained to me)  I think I may have finally grasped the reason for it being there at least ha-ha. This is the point where hopefully anyone out there can give me their opinion;
Is it worth sandblasting and 2pk Epoxy, or is Intertuf as good ??